I don't even know where to start.....
Its been a while since i posted something....
Maybe I got to caught up into my You Tube blog....
Ok its this guy..I've been "talking" to for like 3 or 4 weeks now...&& he's like SUPER cool.
He always say I'm to good to be true...but he's to good to be true.
&& I'm really starting to like him...but i am to good to be true bcus guess what
OK i like officially hate myself now...i hope Trey gets like so high he completely COMPLETELY forgets about me...
just my luck right *tear*
oh yea and some guy that dresses like Superman from time to time likes me! lol
SUPERMAN???? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
oh yea I cut Anthony off completely...&& it feels soooooo GOOD!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Where am I??
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Posted by
Brooke Love
9:44 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Where am I??
I no longer have friends!!
yeaaa..i'll explain one day
but yea...I dont really write on here anymore because I GOT A YOUTUBE BLOG NOW!!!!
I'm no longer looking for love because..it just don't exist
Posted by
Brooke Love
11:49 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Since I just got a new layout I figured I would post something new!!
I'm doing all NEW things with my life.
You only life once && they say the best things in life are free.
I'm about to get myself together.
I'm thinking about becoming a vegan....(i'm not sure how thats gonna work out but hell it's worth a shot)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Isn't he HOT!! All those tats. I like his music too. Its cool and NEW to me. Look him up on Myspace his name is TYGA..Sexy riiii..yea I kno ;=)
I'm allergic to wheat.....HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO SURVIVE????
I guess I'll starve myself..
Speaking of starving.....
I'm 5'7 127 pounds (i use to be 118 like 2 months ago)
I like I'm FAT..I am really..127=HUGE!
now do i have a eating disorder???
I mean I eat..I just don't want to. or if I'm out with friends I don't eat.
I'm allergic to wheat anyways soooo that might help if I don't eat as much seeing that everything I eat is BREADED =(
Posted by
Brooke Love
11:40 PM
Labels: Brooke, eating disorder, New, Tyga, Vegan, wheat allergy
I'm Not Emo...I Promise
Monday, September 17, 2007
8:01pm September 15th
Thank u! What u got 4 me? Lol!
Sent via Facebook Mobile
1:33am September 16th
lolits nothing i can get youyou got everything dont you
1:47am September 16th
I aint got u
Sent via Facebook Mobile
1:57am September 16th
yea i kno..maybe one day you a have me
I cant wait to one day
Sent via Facebook Mobile
i cant wait either
2:01am September 16th
So what dat mean
Sent via Facebook Mobile
that just means hopefully one day we can kick and if not then we just don't
Naw it aint no if we dont we dont! We is!
Sent via Facebook Mobile
2:08am September 16th
lol yea it sounds good
Im 4real!
Sent via Facebook Mobile
2:12am September 16th
iight then...i believe you
2:12am September 16th
When u free
Sent via Facebook Mobile
2:15am September 16th
naw when you free?? but it really depends on if i gotta work or not
Im free now whatup
Sent via Facebook Mobile
naw not tonight..its been a long day
Yeah i guess
Sent via Facebook Mobile
sooo wat u doing for your birthday
I was tryna do u! Lol
Sent via Facebook Mobile
LOL..sorry =(
2:37am September 16th
i a make it up to youbut im bout to go to sleep
2:38am September 16th
Iight goodnite
Sent via Facebook Mobile
I aint got u
Sent via Facebook Mobile
OH YEA. I dyed my hair!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Well Brittany made white chicks look bad with this one performance. I mean she was once like the HOTTEST white chick and she could dance. Now....well what can I say? Everyone knows.
WHY did she wear that?! She should have covered up, her body was soooooo not ready yet!!
Then Kid Rock and Tommy Lee got into a fight. Like what?! Is the VMA's turning into the Source Awards? White people gone wild! lol
Well I think Brittany can recoup. I really like her new song! Its HOT!!
Kanye West CD is sooooooooo fucking HOT!!!
Posted by
Brooke Love
9:21 PM
Labels: brittany spears, kanye west, vmas
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Text/Kanye West
Posted by
Brooke Love
12:25 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
ok remember that guy i wrote about, that my cousin liked only because I do. Well we were sitting on the stairs and he asked me like what type of guys i like. I was telling him. oh yea wat brought us to the subject. Well we were at like this get together that turned out HUGH. It was in a parking lot it had to be over a hundred people. Well a fight broke out and some guys tried to fight him, (oh yea his name is Evan) well he was wearing this backpack which had something valuable in it. What? I have no clue. So they started to like jump on him. I saved the backpack lol. So he ended up getting away. With the help of me and there were these stairs that led to nowhere really. I guess they lead to the sky. We started like running up the stairs. Its weird but he ended up on one side of the stairs and I ended up on the other. You know how stair cases are. one side going down and the other going up. well anyways. He was like behind some gate on the other side. We were talking and somehow my cousin's name was brought up.
"That's my cousin," i told him.
"Can you hook us up?" Evan asked me.
ok like WTF!
I told him how much I hated guys my age because they were immature and almost always tried to talk to girl wayyy younger than they are. Come on now. He's 19 and shes 15. I don't know about anyone else but that's a huge age difference to me.
But anyways. I'm glad it was only a nightmare!
yes it was a dream!
Posted by
Brooke Love
9:26 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I just wish i could find somebody that I actually LIKE.
its this guy Vick I use to date along time ago. like last year.
he was just to jealous. He use to cuss me out on my voicemail if i didnt answer or call when i said i would.
lol. he's funny
but we just got back intouch. & no im not about to start back dating him. just friends.
hes cool tho..his into music. hes in a band or watever.
but we'll see
Posted by
Brooke Love
12:43 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Feels Like Forever
I haven't posted anything in a while. Much hasn't really been going on.
Anthony called me like 2 days ago
I didnt answer
Im sooooo done with him
now I'm just looking for someone to love me.
its this guy that lives around my house that I like but theres only one problem
he lives around my house
I got a job!! :)
my lifes pretty boring right now
but my friends got alot of drama going on
well Ciara
shes dating this younger guy.
she already hooked up with him.
now some girl is saying hes her boyfriend
is going through some major love triangle
he likes this guy that her friend likes but brittany made out with the guy at her friends party
now she hates her
and she made out with another guy her friend likes but he was origanlly just both of their friend
yea i kno...i dont get it either
i wonder wat erics doing right now
i heard him and his girlfriend are back together
i know this may sound evil but even tho i didnt break them up on purpose
i wish they would break up
i wish that was enough to make them never talk to each other again
i want him all to myself and i cant have him if they broke up or not but i just dont want him with her
is that bad?
i wish he wasnt so soft and didnt let her run all over him
shes just a peasent and im the motherfucking princess!!
Posted by
Brooke Love
5:05 PM
Labels: Anthony, Eric, friends drama
Monday, August 27, 2007
Can you spell s.t.r.e.s.s.
College is not for the poor...or the rich!
Posted by
Brooke Love
7:13 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
well well well
I'm starting to see the bigger picture....Everything is soooo much clearer now.
and tell me why???
I was driving I had my friend with me. I was like I should show you Eric's car. (he got it painted because his girlfriend scratched it up)
"That's him in front of us!!!" i said.
it looked like he was in the car alone.
"he in there by his self," Brittany said.
and as she said that we saw a head pop up.
what!! blow job!! lol
get some brain in the front seat of the Hummer, huh? lol
Posted by
Brooke Love
1:59 AM
Labels: Eric
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Flashback #2: I love Eric
I was just thinking, remembering when I actually liked Eric and he felt the same way about me.
I was at the park with my friends and he was there. He gave me his number. I didn't call.
I saw him at the park and he was flirting. I didnt think much of it.
So one night I was at the park me and my friends and he was flirting MAJORLY.
It was still kinda cold out side so I had on a jacket and my skull and bone scarf that I always wear and it was hanging outside the bottom of my jacket.
He was pulling on it.
"I thought that was a belt," he said
Then he started going in my jeans pockets (can you say free fills lol)
Of course I flirted back because I alllwwwaayyysss liked him.
So me and my friend was talking about how we be at the club.
"Brooke always doing that little roll, do yo roll for Eric," she said pretty much instigating.
"She scared of me"
"I am not scared of you"
He kept putting his fingers in my belt loops. We was all hugged up and everything.
I just wanna cry now remembering.
Like one time we were at the park. He was checking me out looking me up and down. He always say stuff like I'm skinny.
"I be back"
"Where you going?" he asked.
"I'm hungry. I'm about go home and eat a fork of spaghetti," I said joking but I was serious.
"Naw folks you need to eat more than that. Eat a couple plates."
"Whatever," I said as I walked off smiling.
I looked back giving him the "eyes"
When I came back he was driving back into the park and stuck his tongue out at me and I did it back
OMG!!! I loved that boy crazy!
After the night of flirting I felt confident enough to call him up. I think it was like the next day or a few days later or something.
I was sitting in my moms car and I called him.
"Hello," he answered.
"Hey Eric, what you doing?" I was nervous as hell.
"you know who this is?" I asked already knowing the answer, no.
"naw who is this?"
"Its Brooke."
"Brooke? Where I know you from?"
"WHAT?! You dont know me now. Its Brooke," I couldn't believe my ears. What a slap in the face!
"Naw I dont remember no Brooke's," he said.
"IIght let me call you back," i hung up.
I know that did not just happen. Was what I was thinking. How could he.
He called back. I had a special ring tone for him and my heart dropped when I heard it.
I didnt answer. I was pissed. So he called again. Yea I smiling from ear to ear. He must had something he really wanted to say.
"Hello," I answered.
"Man I was just playing with you why you hang up," he said. I was sooooooooo relieved.
"I said I was gone call you back," I said knowing I was never calling back.
"What you doing?"
"Nothing. Ain't nothing to do."
I really don't remember everything that was said but I do remember this.
"Well just call me when you free"
I was tooooo excited.
Soooo I saw him at the park again. His best friend was going to the store.
"Y'all want something?" his friend asked.
"Yea A bottle of Evian?" I was just shouting out stuff, "and a honey bun."
"I got a honey bun for yo ass," Eric said.
"Shut up," I said.
All day we kept saying little stuff like that to each other. I teased him about him playing basketball and he teased me about being skinny.
Can you say grade school flirting.
So I dropped my friend off at home and called him
"Why you leave us?"
"You still at the park?" he asked
"yea, and you just left us"
"You still at the park for real," he asked
"no I'm just playing, I just dropped Brittany off at home"
"What you about to do?"
"Nothing ain't nothing to do"
"yea its not nothing to do"
"that's cus you boring," i said joking
"naw yall the ones who dont drink."
"Yea I dont have to do that stuff to have fun"
and we talked and talked. I kept cracking jokes because that me! lol
"Im about to call Mike and see what he doing,"
Oh yea
"I guess I'm about to go in the house," i said.
we kept saying stuff like that but neither one of us initiated that we should kick it. It was like we were waiting on each other to say it.
So I was driving down my block and I saw him turning the corner. If only I was a minute or two early.
Now the fairytale...or love story is over. I really like him and wanted to be with him. I really wish I coulda been his girlfriend. But now that a never happen so I'm trying to get over but I just start to remember everything. I really don't feel like typing everything that happened. I will finish one day. Eric and I always get into some type of drama together. I just wonder what the future holds.
GOD please no more bad luck, and drama, just goodness!
Posted by
Brooke Love
12:29 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
How to deal
ok i pretty much zoned out since yesterday. i haven't talked to my friends in days and the keep calling. I really just wanna block all communication from the outside world. Sit around in this house and rot to death. Just my luck huh? No school! WHY MEEEEEEE
ok breath
soo i wrote a song last night. tried to record it today and hated how it sounded. I just cant get into it and its pissing me off!
now I dont know if I should call my friends back or not.
cus i really dont wanna talk about it
Im trying to hold it in. I say to my self "stop being a cry baby, dont cry, dont cry"
but i really want to go back to school.
now im waiting on a miracle
lol! im serious
Posted by
Brooke Love
2:29 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
College Cry Baby
How could this happen to me now?
I got on the computer to check my loan status. School starts in two weeks and I'm still not registered for class. I was waiting on my loan.
I wasnt apporved. This is the third time I tried to apply and I thought with the co signer I had I would get the loan.
I sat in the bathroom for about 15 minutes, crying asking why, when I want to be in school soooo bad. I would still be in the bathroom right now if my little sister didnt come knocking at the door. This is sooo stressful. My parents want me in school but they are not supporting me finacialy. They say the dont have the money. Finacail aid didnt give me much. I guess my mom makes to much. I cried. I cried and I meant it. I really wish I could go to school this semester. I would like to think that God has something better in store for me but thats the same thing I thought the last semester I took off. Its meant for me to be in school I know it. What else am I suppose to do with my life if not school?
College is very expensive. Tooo expensive for no reason really. I just really wanna go back. My major is Journalism. Yeaa I like to write. It just hurts soo bad when you cant get something you want. Some kids wish they never had to go to school and here I am begging to go. All I need is a reason for this happening. A lesson. I dont know. Now my eyes are burning for crying soo hard. My plan is to hide. Stay locked up in this house. Study nothing. Whats my next move? I wish I knew. I guess its just not for everyone. I went 1 semester and it just seems like its not meant for me to go back but now my heart is hurt because I wanna go to school sooo bad.
Posted by
Brooke Love
4:20 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
just to keep you updated
-I got a HUGH crush on Zac Efron
-I am like sooo jealous of his relationship with Vanessa
-Who ever thought High School Musical was gonna be such a hit. and who would have thought that I would actually have a HUGE crush on ZAC!!!

Posted by
Brooke Love
9:44 PM
Labels: crush, happy, highschool musical, lilly allen, zac efron
Monday, August 20, 2007
There is nothing to do today
I'm super bored and drowsy
Well Anthony tried to talk to another friend of mine.
I'm not impressed.
I do wish that i could find love.
A guy thats perfect.
That takes me places
buys me things
expresses his love for me
thats honest
and loyal
some one that im very comfortable around
thats tough but sensitive
that understands that the world revolves around Brooke lol
that loves me much
that i can sit and watch 100 movies with and never get bored
that i can be on the phone with for hours saying nothing
thats not only out for sex
someone who is religious
some one who has morals
thats smart and RICH!! lol
that understands that family comes first
thats mature
and very attractive
Posted by
Brooke Love
2:10 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
Dirty Rumors
"Yeah he looking for you too," I said pissed.
Posted by
Brooke Love
1:25 PM
Labels: Angelina Joile, Anthony, Brad Pitt, Dirty Rumors, Eric, sex
Thursday, August 16, 2007
My Decision!

I'm a movie Junkie!!
Well Today I Watched
Mr. and Mrs. Smith {my fav!!}
I think I love my wife {So funny!}
Black Snake Moan {GREAT!}
Roll Bounce {Bow wow is sooo HOT!}
Learned from the Big Screen
"You lose money chasing women but to never lose women chasing money" Just a quote that I remembered for I think I Love my Wife. This movie helped me understand to stop looking for all the flaws in a relationship and be happy with what's there. Everything is not what it seems. You may be with your boyfriend and meet another guy that's just HOT but is he really worth losing someone you shared almost everything with???
Black Snake Moan was a very interesting movie. Its kind of funny because even though I'm a virgin I think that I'm going to be a sex addict and that's like my biggest fear! Just remember take control because you're the only one that's in control of yourself.
Call me crazy but I've always wanted to have a huge fight with my boyfriend like in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Wouldn't that be hot? Ok I know I'm not like the only one who feels this way. This movie is so hot. Maybe because Angie {that's what I call her} and Brad are like the sexiest people in HollyHell {that's what I call it}. I'm like Angie's biggest fan and honestly I get some of my swag {personality or COOLness} from her. This movie is clearly the best. Who wouldn't want to be a hot assassin and fight off bad guys with a sexy guy like Brad Pitt on your side. Next relationship I'm in has to be kick ass like this one! Bonnie and Clyde or Mr. and Mrs. Smith either way love is war and I got a few ex's who ass I wanna kick just like in this movie. Just imagine the sex after a fight like that. Tantalizing.
I simply enjoy this fun film. It just makes me want to put on some roller skates and get on the floor even though I might fall flat on my butt. Bow wow did good. I really think in Roll Bounce his performance was at its best. I love this movie plus I met like half the cast, well the guys at least, and I actually dated one of the guys. Bet you a never guess who?? {HAHA} I'll never tell!
by the way Anthony just called like 10 times
Posted by
Brooke Love
10:33 PM
Labels: Anthony, Black Snake Moan, hot chick, I think I love my wife, Love, movies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Roll Bounce, Uffie
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Remember the crazii night and Anthony's ex-girlfriend??
well she busted his car windows out that same night. So now he's like missing all of his windows
I wanna kick her ass but I'm not going to feed into that.
Well me and Anthony is talking again!!
I went outside with Happy last night. I love that guy. He's such a bad guy lol.
Either he doesn't know about what happened between me, Anthony and Eric or he's just playing it off real good because they all live in this neighborhood and they are all friends. {that sucks!}
Oh yea I'm really changing my name.
Well I went to the movies to see Rush Hour 3 so my phone was on silent.
I saw I had 4 missed calls all from a private caller.
I instantly thought KEISHA!
but it was a girl and this is what she said
"Bitch I found your number in my mans phone, he got all type of stuff dumb bitch he got aids and you gone die too hoe"
Well luckly I'm a VIRGIN.
but like who calls a random girl in her boyfriends phone and says he has aids and why is she even with him???
so not cool
To top it off she didnt leave her name or his
Like WTF
he could be anybody and so could I
it didnt sound like Keisha
I laughed at the whole situtaion because I have so much drama going on at once right now and its crazii.
I really wanna know who the guy is so I can know NOT to hook up with him.
This is just all to much.
And it could be anybody. A guy I never talked to that had my number for years. I told Happy I told Anthony... I dont think its them anyways but I guess i'll find out
Posted by
Brooke Love
2:27 PM
Labels: Anthony, ex-girlfriend, happy, Keisha, Rush Hour 3, virgin
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
This is just GREAT!
remember Eric??
yea well his girlfriend cussed him out because..me I guess.
"Where Anthony been at?" his girl asked him.
"I saw him last night with two girls," Eric answered her.
"I don't know the girls. Why?"
So Ciara told her it was me and her.
"I asked about Anthony, he told me he saw him," Eric's girl friend Keisha told Ciara.
"Yea me and Brooke was with him," Ciara told her.
"That's why he didn't wanna tell me who Anthony was with because of Brooke. I heard from people that she be looking for him," Keisha told her.
How did my name get in this??????
Anthony called me to tell me that Eric woke up with missed calls and voice mails and it was Keisha calling cussing him out talking about..
"So you was with Brooke last night. Y'all hung out."
Supposedly, Eric tried to hook up with me.
Never happened
Supposedly he hopped in the car and we all got drunk
Never happened
We didn't even look at each other let along HOOK UP.
How did I manage to get in that. I haven't seen or talked to this guy in months and I know him just like I know everybody else off the strength that we all went to school together.
I really hope that they don't break up over such a misunderstanding.
Because I heard that they had a big fight. BIG FIGHT
but I'm changing my name because I don't wanna be in nothing else.
God please help me!
these people are insane
Posted by
Brooke Love
2:48 PM
Labels: drama, Eric, fight, girlfriend, hook up
Love is a Losing Game
He kept asking me "is this the end, so its over" and I never answered so he knew that I didnt want to end it. So he started asking me to make it official.
"Whats the difference from being girlfriend and boyfriend and what we have now," he asked me.
"Nothing," I answered him.
"Exactly," he responed back.
Then I dont know how we got to this point but he was like ok I cant keep doing this. Then he asked me if he could talk to my friend. MY FRIEND. the girl we were with last nigth, Ciara. He told me he liked her and if he could have sex with her and would every thing between me and him would be the same.
A while ago he asked me the same thing and I hooked them up but at the time it didnt matter that much to me then but it still did because how could he do something like that to me if he cared about me sooo much. I told him he could but it hurt me. He told me he need a girlfriend he's not gay and I guess since I wasnt trying to be it he was gone go to her.
He told me he would do anything for me and I know every word of that was true and I would do anything for him but as much as he loves me he destroys me at the same time. I never had heartbreak the way I have it now almost to the point where I want to call him and say lets be together. I thought I had never been inlove but now I know I've been inlove the whole time. I never felt heart ach before and now I feel it for someone that I thought was really nothing to me.
As much as it hurts I gotta let it go. Its eating me up inside that he would even do that to ME. I know I'm wrong too but just like I asked him how would he feel if I hooked up with one of his friends. I'm almost to the point where I just want to delete all the number out of my phone and start new. Its almost impossible for me not to talk to him or have him in my life because he is a big part of me. Hopefully just like all the other times we end up friends again because I love him soo much.
Posted by
Brooke Love
12:26 PM
Labels: Anthony, breakup, drama, heartbreak, Love
Monday, August 13, 2007
What a night
I was with Anthony last night and he really pissed me off. I really care about him and I know he a do ANYTHING for me but I just can't commit. He wants a relationship but I'm just not sure if I can give him that.
Last night was soooo crazy. First him and his friend came and got me and we went and pick up my friend. Its like she has a super guard up. She don't even wanna talk to new guys. He was just asking for her name and stuff and she wouldn't even took at him. so we took her back home after they cussed her out and went and got my other friend.
We rode around went and bought something to drink.
At the liquor store..
Anthony's friend Benny went and bought us something to drink. So we pull up in this lot and we all just got drunk... Anthony threw the bottle out his sunroof and broke his back window out.. Can you say DRUNK. We had to go to the gas station and vacuum all the glass out.
Now we riding around without a back window.
I'm driving and Anthony's ex-girlfriend pull up on the side of use and says "HEY BOO," to him like I'm supposed to be mad. But what pissed me off is that she called his phone, left 3 voice mails saying that I'm a fourth grader..GREAT!
I was ready to fight
We go back to the liquor store and see his friends Eric and Isiah.
I got mad because he told Eric that I had been looking for him all day. I had been asking about him. I was pissed. Plus he called me a bird! great!
We leave them me and Anthony are still arguing. My friend is driving his car now. i go home.
He called my phone at least 30 times last night or more. Left 6 voice mails.
He told me he really wanna be with me, he loves me, and all this stuff. Im thinking to myself I can not forgive him this time but its like im just to attached to him.
so i put my phone on silent and woke up with missed calls and voicemails. He wanted to know if I was serious about what I had said the other night. I told him we were over and I wasnt gonna talk to him anymore..I'm too attached!
Posted by
Brooke Love
3:28 PM
Labels: Anthony, attached, Drunk, Eric, ex-girlfriend
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Just thinking......
Posted by
Brooke Love
2:49 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Flashback #1: Kiss and Don't Tell
While I was still in a "relationship" with Larry I hooked up with this other guy, Curtis*. My friend and I were having movie night. He called my phone and asked if he could stop by so me and my friend went outside to talk to him. It was him and his 2 brothers anywayz we were talking all hugged and stuff.
Then they suggested we sit in the car since it was like the winter time.
Why did I get in that backseat with him???
He kept kissing on me. So we ended up making out and just a little more. Then he asked me to come to his house. NO!
He knew I had a boyfriend and I later found out that they knew each other. They only lived a few blocks away from each other and went to elementary school together. HA!
I only felt bad because that was the first time me and Curtis kicked it and here I was having a major make out session with him and couldn't even kiss my own boyfriend.. *confused*
I still talk to Curtis now. Why????
oh yea and by the way we were in a truck and one of his brothers was in the truck watching us and my friend and his other brother was in the front seat arguing.
Posted by
Brooke Love
1:12 PM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Facebook: Trey
I am like so not tripping right now..but I did send him a message liked he ask for and he did not reply..and yes he has been online
he hates me *tear*
but meanwhile...
I love Brandon Hines music..its like his voice just relaxes me and I feel as if I'm in heaven {I know I'm a dork} I forget about all of my problems. I LOVE HIM!!
Posted by
Brooke Love
9:59 PM
Labels: Brandon Hines, music, Trey
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Well for starters I still haven't replied to Trey and I'm ready to start something with him {friendship or relationship} NOW!
Well at least this guy that likes me. Evertime he asks why we are not together I tell him. He just don't take NO! for an answer.
I have never been in love. EVER.
This just can't be right. This can't be life. To much war not enough love.
There are many songs that I relate to and sounds as if they were written for me but I wish there was just one song that said it all.
Everynight I pray of course. and there is something I always ask for and I have been asking for this everysince I was 10.
lol yea what does it takes to get a few comments on here. Guess I'm not that interesting.
Posted by
Brooke Love
4:49 PM
Confusing && Celebs they remind of
This sucks! Majorly!
These are some celebs the guys remind me of:
Happy reminds me of Young Jeezy or Gucci Mane lol
Trey reminds me of Brandon Hines
Ok I talked to Anthony today and my feelings for him is still not as strong as they use to be. I really feel that I cant trust him and I feel that maybe if I wasn't involved with him then I wouldn't have alot of the problems I have now. But how do I let him go?
Lyrics to listen to and understand
"You need to get if he don't wanna, Love you the right way He ain't gonna"
from Let it go by Keisha Cole
Posted by
Brooke Love
12:52 AM
Labels: Brandon Hines, Chris Brown, dating, Keisha Cole, Love, Trey, Young Jeezy
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Facebook Honesty Box: Trey {Can you say impatient??}
Ok I admit I was a little impatient. Ok i was totally bugging. Trey responded FINALLY, and made my day!!
his response!!!!
send me a message 2 my inbox. all this mystery is pointless
Cool beans!! I feel relieved now
Now lets see how far this goes...knowing my luck {nowhere} but I'm going to stay positive because I'm AWESOME!
Happy Birthday Atta!!
Maybe he really is my Superman!
Posted by
Brooke Love
5:33 PM
Facebook Honesty Box: Trey
Ok there's this guy that I really like. He raps and I always like his music and a friend of mine is friends with him. One day I was with my friend and we went to Trey's*, the guy I like, barber shop. That was my first time seeing him in person and that was like 3 months ago & every since then I cant stop thinking about him.
He has a Facebook page and as soon as he got a honesty box you better believe I was sending him anonymous messages.
and this is our exact conversation.....
can u be my superman?
depends on who it is
you wouldn't be disappointed
why dnt u tell me and find out, cuz I might wnt u 2 be my superwoman.
yeaa but if i told you, you still wont know who i am since we only saw each other once
how long ago?
u still should tell me cuz I prolly do kno who u are
ummmm it was like in June I think....... you know a friend of mine
wut friend?
this guy that live around me...i dont kno if i should tell you because it might be a give away
it bein a give away would be a good thing. cuz then we can possibly work toward me bein yo superman....
well you kno 2 people i kno DJ* and Waterboy*...my friends use to talk to them but that dont really matter cus all i wanna do is get to know you
like where did i go wrong. I knew I shouldn't have told him who the guys were. Its been like 3 days and he still haven't replied back (bummer!), and yes I have been really bitter about it because I REALLY like him.
*Real Names have been changed
Posted by
Brooke Love
1:28 PM
Monday, August 6, 2007
1:39am. I close my eyes and think about my day. The only thing that seems to cross my mind is how much I want to be with "him" and how much I wish "the one" I am with was "him". The only way for me to get this off my chest and stop letting is stress me is to blog it.
I'm 19 years old, freshly, and my last "relationship" ended in December, He cheated. I never had strong feelings for him so it only hurt because I thought that I was the greatest thing, guess not.
Let's Get To Know The Guys
Well I met him over the net to start with. That was in like 2003. I thought he was really cute and we started talking. It never got anywhere until recently. We got back in touch over Myspace in the summer of 2006 and jumped right into a relationship (I must have been bored). I knew he was a male whore but I didn't really have intentions on having sex with him seeing that I was (or still am??) a virgin at the time. For some reason I couldn't kiss him (virgin lips also). We went through alot because alot of my friends know and HATE him but we stuck through it. He was the biggest freak! Sex addict! and here I am little miss Virgin Mary. He cheated I found out over Facebook and I broke up with him. Now he's engaged and under aged (Better her that me! :) !!)
I met him while I was dating Larry. It was just one of those summer nights. I was hanging out with his friends and he liked me. I gave him my number and from then on we have been together (not in a relationship). Its been over a year now and I have strong feelings for him but something is missing. Plus he's a rebel without a cause. Can you say GANGSTA?? My parents would just die. He is the only guy I feel that I can trust (and I have HUGH trust issues).
I've know this guy since elementary school. He has been through alot and I care about him. He keeps me laughing but I don't feel I can trust him at all. He's immature, (huge turn-off) but for some reason I can' t leave him alone but since today my feelings for him is at an all time low low. He will probably do anything for me but he surrounds himself with prostitutes literally and he feels that most girls are whores (maybe that's why he's so attached to me because I'm not). Oh yea he is like best friends with Happy and that SUCKS!
Since 2007 started I've been through hell. There are soooooo many other guys and love mistakes its almost unbelievable. My life is a love song rather is a good in love forever song or cry for days eating gallons of ice cream love songs.
*Names have been changed
Posted by
Brooke Love
11:39 PM