Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Friend Says He Knows you Well



i'm back.

please accept me back.



Eric told Anthony && the rest of his friends.

Suckx right?

I'm mad but at the same time im amused. He is really acting like some little boy.

Does he feel accomplished?

So I'm like denying this shit to the end. Like really. How could I ever admit to it.

So i was sitting in the car with Anthony one late night & we were talking about the whole situation. Happy drove down the block. He didnt see us.

Then Eric drove past nodding looking in the car.

Im like OMG! I hate him.

What happened never happened. Well as far as im concerned.

I dont regret it. It was well planned but I will beat his ass for telling.

So anywayz Friday the 13th i put a hex on him lol well at least i tried to

then the next day Anthony told me he say him and he brung it up and thats allllllll he was talking about....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

well i broke up with Prince....long story

he fell in love......short story


I gots me a job!! lol


new boys new problems..

im doing a cleanse..

Would he care if 'she' was a prostitute...
Did i lose sleep?? naaaa
Kudos to Lil Wayne ;)

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